Joondalup SDA church, like our churches worldwide, enjoyed the annual 10 Days of Prayer from the 8th to 18th of January 2020. An average of 12 church members attended each evening and those who were present reported a sense of unity and a strengthening of faith. It was a special time of bonding as members split into small groups and offered sincere prayers together. This produced a time of drawing closer as a church family and some prayers have been positively answered.
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere - in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
The readings and testimonies evidenced the working of the Holy Spirit in the hearts and minds of the men and women whose lives were transformed from depths of despair, from unpleasant traits of character, and from wrong choices, God lifted them up and took them from bad situations to a new life. When they allowed Jesus into their lives, surrendered and yielded to Him, their circumstances, behaviours, health or specific needs were changed as they were led and convicted by the Holy Spirit.
The participants at the meetings commented on the blessings they received by being there, and how they were moved by the stories and testimonies that were related, and memorable impressions were made by the amazing ways in which the Holy Spirit worked to transform and reform lives.
We look foward to next year’s 10 Days of Prayer.
You can find the readings from this year and previous years here: